Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Update - Feral Instinct

A few of my regular readers know that I have been working on making a game. This is not because I want to be a game designer or publisher or anything. I'm not trying to sell it and become the next Richard Garfield. I just figured that anyone who talks as much trash about game designers should know how the process works.

So I started working on Feral Instinct, where anthropomorphic kung-fu warriors whoop up on each other. It's sort of like D&D meets Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I have four characters - Stoat, Bull, Newt and Fox. I've built the game, printed cards, and tested it a few times.

And here's the verdict - I'm not a game designer. This is hard. I don't have time to play it over and over and over, and I don't know anyone who would want to play it, anyway. I kind of dig it, but it's got too many problems. I can, as a reviewer, look at it and tell you that it's got too much happening at once, there are blatant typos, and it's confusing as hell. I can tell you that, but I can't figure out how to fix it.

So for now, that project is on standby. Instead, I'm going to try to bite off something I can actually chew. I would love to actually have a playable game, so I have started work on two new games. One is a card game about truckers, and the other is a board game where bums compete in athletic events to earn bottles of Wild Turkey. I might also do one about hookers.

The way I see it, if I'm going to make games, I want them to be as thoroughly ludicrous as this website. I want to see the kinds of themes that make people embarrassed to admit to owning a copy, but still break it out so that everyone can laugh at it. I don't care if I ever make any money at it. It's just a lot of fun to make games, and if I'm doing something to have fun, I intend to make it as much fun as I know how. And since I'm not a very good game designer, the way I know to make them fun is to make them crass and funny.

So thank you to everyone who took a look at Feral Instinct (and don't worry, I'll keep plugging at it here and there, it's just not a priority any more), and keep your eyes peeled for the next part of my mad scheme to experience game design. I'm calling it Haulin', because I don't think my wife will let me test a game with my kids if I call it Haulin' Ass.


  1. Two things help: 1) Write everything down -ideas, problems etc. Over the time it helps you t go back to the game, if you have another idea.
    2) Try to fin d other authors in your area in play with them. They might have suggestions for fixing problems. Or at least suggestions that lead you to solutions to fix things :-)

  2. I'll gladly help with any illustrations needed for the Hooker game.

  3. Andrew can draw all he wants. I'd volunteer for market and design research on the hooker game.

  4. I think the most important part of the hooker game is going to be collecting the raw data. Doc, maybe you can help me do some field research. Mostly at strip clubs, because I'm so out on streetwalkers, unless I decide to do a dot-to-dot on their track marks.

  5. Which, now that I think about it, might have potential.

  6. I should have stressed that my illustrations are based on life models...

  7. hookers are so way cheaper in Costa Rica, I mean I read that some where? So if you need any info on the subject of hookers you just let me know!

  8. Forgot to put my name,


    Hookers - A whole different experience in a third world country

    Great Post, very cool, I think the hooker game will be bigger seller then the trucking game, but maybe that is just my personal tastes?


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